
Understand the performance of highway guardrail

Author: 环亚     Hit: Loading...     Release time: 20-03-03, 09:45 AM

The guiding principle of highway guardrail is that when an out-of-control car collides with the guardrail, it can guide the car to its original rail.

The high-speed fence has the characteristics of high strength, good rigidity, beautiful appearance, wide field of vision, easy installation, bright, light and practical. The mesh and the net post are connected very compactly, and the overall feeling is good; the upper and lower coils make the net surface strong increase.

Product specifications:

(1) The mesh length of the plastic-impregnated wire is 2.8mm-6.0mm;

(2) Mesh size: minimum 12.5cm-maximum 25cm;

(3) The maximum size of the mesh: 2400mm X 3000mm;

(4) The height of the column is: diameter 48mm, 60mm;

(5) Frame size: 14mm×20mm, 20mm×30mm;

(6) Accessories related to expressway fence nets: connecting cards, anti-theft bolts, rain caps;

(7) Connection mode: card connection.

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